Schedule for today's FESCo Meeting (2018-11-19)
Randy Barlow
2018-11-19 13:30:13 UTC
Following is the list of topics that will be discussed in the
FESCo meeting Monday (today) at 15:00UTC in #fedora-meeting-1 on

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at

or run:
date -d '2018-11-19 15:00 UTC'

Links to all issues to be discussed can be found at:

= Discussed and Voted in the Ticket =
F30 System-Wide Change: New 128-bit IEEE long double ABI for IBM 64-bit POWER LE
ACCEPTED (+6, 0, -0)

F30 Change: Pantheon Desktop
ACCEPTED (+5, 0, -0)

= Followups =

#topic #1970 Action needed: Orphan packages will be retired if they remain orphaned for six weeks

#topic #1973 The FTBFS cleanup policy is not happening

#topic #2003 Ursa Major (modules in buildroot) enablement

= New business =

#topic #2009 libsolv SONAME bump in stable

#topic #2013 to strict rules for branches deletion alongside with
norules for theirs creations

= Open Floor =

For more complete details, please visit each individual
issue. The report of the agenda items can be found at

If you would like to add something to this agenda, you can
reply to this e-mail, file a new issue at
https://pagure.io/fesco, e-mail me directly, or bring it
up at the end of the meeting, during the open floor topic. Note
that added topics may be deferred until the following meeting.
Randy Barlow
2018-11-19 16:50:30 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: FESCO (2018-11-19)

Meeting started by bowlofeggs at 15:00:00 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* init process (bowlofeggs, 15:00:06)

* #1970 Long orphaned packages are not being retired after 6 weeks
(bowlofeggs, 15:05:53)
* ACTION: mhroncok volunteers to retire the packages manually and see
what can be automated (sgallagh, 15:13:26)
* AGREED: The policy to retire packages after six weeks of being
orphaned is reaffirmed. At least three warnings with one-week
intervals will be sent out to co-maintainers before retiring. (+7,
0, -0) (bowlofeggs, 15:42:18)
* AGREED: mhroncok is added as a release engineer to process
unretirement requests (which are still the same process as now, file
ticket, it gets checked, etc) (+6, 1, -0) (bowlofeggs, 15:42:40)

* #1973 FTBFS package are not being orphaned, nor retired (bowlofeggs,
(ignatenkobrain, 15:49:00)
* ACTION: nirik will add
to cron (bowlofeggs, 15:49:33)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/7881 (mhroncok,

* #2009 libsolv SONAME bump in stable (bowlofeggs, 15:52:08)

* #2013 to strict rules for branches deletion alongside with norules for
theirs creations (bowlofeggs, 15:53:28)

* #2003 Ursa Major (modules in buildroot) enablement (zbyszek,
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2003 (zbyszek, 16:07:52)
* ACTION: contyk to write up a summary in the ticket (zbyszek,
* we'll discuss this in the ticket again (zbyszek, 16:38:01)

* Next week's chair (zbyszek, 16:38:59)

* Open Floor (zbyszek, 16:39:28)
* elections happen soon (bowlofeggs, 16:41:23)
* nominate your favorite person to FESCo
(bowlofeggs, 16:41:38)
* Nomination period is now open. The period ends on 2018-Nov-28 at
23:59:59 UTC. (zbyszek, 16:42:34)

Meeting ended at 16:46:18 UTC.

Action Items
* mhroncok volunteers to retire the packages manually and see what can
be automated
* nirik will add
to cron
* contyk to write up a summary in the ticket

Action Items, by person
* contyk
* contyk to write up a summary in the ticket
* mhroncok
* mhroncok volunteers to retire the packages manually and see what can
be automated
* nirik
* nirik will add
to cron
* (none)

People Present (lines said)
* zbyszek (120)
* bowlofeggs (115)
* mhroncok (70)
* sgallagh (58)
* Son_Goku (47)
* nirik (45)
* tyll (33)
* zodbot (22)
* contyk (21)
* jsmith (13)
* pac23 (9)
* mizdebsk (9)
* Pharaoh_Atem (8)
* maxamillion (6)
* ignatenkobrain (5)
* mboddu (3)
* jcline (1)
* jforbes (0)

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