qbs and qt-creator.x86_64 - error of implementation ?
Cătălin George Feștilă
2018-11-23 16:35:59 UTC
I try to see if my issue can be found on the internet and I try fedora chat
without results.

I try to use qbs with qt-creator.x86_64 to use the slate software.
The problem can be the implementation of qbs and qt-creator.x86_64
Because I'm not very good with this tool I need some help.
See my issue:

[***@desk ~]$ git clone https://github.com/mitchcurtis/slate
Cloning into 'slate'...

[***@desk slate-build]$ qbs config --list profiles
profiles.clang.cpp.toolchainInstallPath: "/usr/bin"
profiles.clang.qbs.toolchain: ["clang", "llvm", "gcc"]
profiles.gcc.cpp.toolchainInstallPath: "/usr/bin"
profiles.gcc.qbs.toolchain: "gcc"

[***@desk slate-build]$ qbs setup-toolchains --type gcc /usr/bin/g++ gcc
Profile 'gcc' created for '/usr/bin/g++'.
[***@desk slate-build]$ qbs setup-qt /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 qt5
Creating profile 'qt5'.
Setting profile 'gcc' as the base profile for this profile.
[***@desk slate-build]$ qbs config profiles.qt5.baseProfile gcc

[***@desk slate-build]$ qbs config --list profiles
profiles.clang.cpp.toolchainInstallPath: "/usr/bin"
profiles.clang.qbs.toolchain: ["clang", "llvm", "gcc"]
profiles.gcc.cpp.toolchainInstallPath: "/usr/bin"
profiles.gcc.qbs.toolchain: "gcc"
profiles.qt5.baseProfile: "gcc"

The error:

[***@desk slate-build]$ qbs /home/mythcat/slate/slate.qbs
ERROR: Unexpected command line parameter '/home/mythcat/slate/slate.qbs'.
Expected an assignment of the form <property>:<value>,
profile:<profile-name> or config:<configuration-name>.

I try to use the qtcreator but I got 58 errors most dependency of
Qt.Core ...
Maybe the problem comes from Fedora packages or bad implementation of
