2018-11-27 22:25:27 UTC
Okay, so, in , repos seem to have two
URLs for SSH access.
One is referred to as "Pull Requests" in the "helpful" "Clone"
dropdown menu. However, I cannot figure out what this is for.
If the origin is:
Then the "Pull Requests" URL for SSH is:
Pull requests seem to be in origin, under refs/pull/* (just like
GitHub), but *NOT* in this separate (related?) repo.
So, why does the UI mention this URL at all and what is it actually used for?
(As far as I can tell, it's only used for accidentally pushing working
branches when you use the wrong URL and being unable to subsequently
delete them due to a pre-receive hook. Am I wrong?)
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URLs for SSH access.
One is referred to as "Pull Requests" in the "helpful" "Clone"
dropdown menu. However, I cannot figure out what this is for.
If the origin is:
Then the "Pull Requests" URL for SSH is:
Pull requests seem to be in origin, under refs/pull/* (just like
GitHub), but *NOT* in this separate (related?) repo.
So, why does the UI mention this URL at all and what is it actually used for?
(As far as I can tell, it's only used for accidentally pushing working
branches when you use the wrong URL and being unable to subsequently
delete them due to a pre-receive hook. Am I wrong?)
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