Orion Poplawski
2018-11-12 00:00:17 UTC
I've planning on building octave 4.4 soon (next day or two) in rawhide.
I've been building dependent packages here:
Anyone in the scitech group can submit builds there if needed.
Notes on needed changes to packages are here:
I'm going to start working on PRs for the various changes for
maintainers to review. Of note:
- swig requires updating to a git snapshot to get octave 4.4 support
- pfstools needs an update to 2.1.0
- NLopt updated to 2.5.0 - switches to using cmake
Orion Poplawski
Manager of NWRA Technical Systems 720-772-5637
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane ***@nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301 https://www.nwra.com/
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I've been building dependent packages here:
Anyone in the scitech group can submit builds there if needed.
Notes on needed changes to packages are here:
I'm going to start working on PRs for the various changes for
maintainers to review. Of note:
- swig requires updating to a git snapshot to get octave 4.4 support
- pfstools needs an update to 2.1.0
- NLopt updated to 2.5.0 - switches to using cmake
Orion Poplawski
Manager of NWRA Technical Systems 720-772-5637
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane ***@nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301 https://www.nwra.com/
devel mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
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