Fedora Server 29: when stop and start my qemu/kvm server, some service they do not start
Dario Lesca
2018-11-16 17:26:42 UTC
I have setup a samba AD-DC server with BIND9_DLZ on a Fedora 29 server.

Samba is OK, all work fine when all services are started

The problem occur only when I stop and then start the server, If I
reboot, the problem do not occur.

When the server start after a stop, some services do not start and sshd
start (Luckily!) few minutes after the server is on.

The services that in my case do not start are named.service and

For gssproxy service in my case is not a problem, but named it is:
without named started, samba do not work.

When I can jump on the server, after few minutes because systemd wait
few minute (timeout) that sshd.services and other two services
start, I can manually restart named and gssproxy without problem.

On the console during the startup process,when the system is almost
started I see systemd wait respective timeout for these tree services

This server is a fresh Fedora Server minimal install virtual machine
Qemu/KVM run on Centos 7 up to date.

In the paste I have already have a similar problem with samba and the
samba team have resolve it put into samba.service this directive:

After=network.target network-online.target

IMHO, it is correct that those services start only after the network is

Then I have try to add these directive in the three services that do
not start well after a stop of server and .... the problem is solved!

I have fill this bug:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1650289 in which there are
some useful logs files

If someone have some suggest to resolve this issue without modify the
.service file of this service let me know

Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 28 Workstation)
Dario Lesca
2018-11-18 23:59:15 UTC
Post by Dario Lesca
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1650289 in which there
are some useful logs files
If someone have some suggest to resolve this issue without modify the
.service file of this service let me know
What's wrong in my bug report? Should I report it as a named bug? ...
or Samba bug?

... or I'm only one Samba AD on a KVM Virtual Machine with Fedora
Server user?

Someone have some suggest, or I must modify named.service and
gssproxy.service every time they are update?

Let me know
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 28 Workstation)